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Reflection on Forum Discussions

Image Source: Google Images

I very much enjoyed the forum discussions. I feel I was able to contribute fully to the discussions by presenting original thoughts and ideas that were pertinent to the topics being examined. Being the only student from Manitoba, I feel I was often able to bring forward new and different perspectives on the topics being discussed. I cited references to make valid points and back up my commentary within the conversations. I appreciated the diverging viewpoints as presented by other students. This challenged me to consider other ways of looking at things and helped to make my learning experience that much richer and rewarding.

I always tried to be respectful toward other students and their ideas, and I felt this was the reciprocal nature of the discussion forums in general. I enjoyed providing feedback to students on their points of discussion. I felt their work was well thought out, comprehensive in its content, extensively researched and well presented. I tried to integrate previously reviewed materials and include them into new discussions that were pertinent to the topics. Often, I was able to incorporate theoretical concepts such as the definition of health, the social determinants of health, and the levels of influence in a multilevel model of health such as the Social Ecological Model into new discussion forums.

I think the quality of my writing is one of my greatest strengths. In the discussion forums, I used effective communication to share my ideas in an organized, logical and cohesive manner. I am very particular about spelling and grammar errors as I feel this is something important to avoid when presenting information that others will be reading. I feel I was able to put forward information that demonstrated thoroughness of thought in an objective, unbiased manner.

I used current and relevant evidence from reliable sources to support my discussions. My resources were cited and referenced accurately. I strived to use critical thinking in my analysis of the discussion topics and integrated theory using established theoretical concepts such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the Social Ecological Model, the Health Belief Model and the Holistic Model of Health. I feel I was able to contribute to the forums in a meaningful way with my personal insights and original thoughts.

I enjoyed contributing my own viewpoints and ideas and I very much enjoyed responding to fellow students’ opinions and suggestions. Many excellent discussions took place with an opportunity to ask questions to explore and investigate a topic more thoroughly. This was a very unique learning opportunity for me. I think it provides an opportunity to expand a student’s depth of awareness, comprehension and knowledge when learning in an environment of 17 students sharing their research, opinions and ideas.

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